While John was going through the mail, his eyes suddenly lit up like a child discovering the Sears Christmas toy catalog. “Look at this and it’s on sale too!”
Now tell me-who could resist. Every little boy and, let’s not be sexist, every little girl always want their own little red wagons and now John was again that little boy.
So off he went to purchase his “little red wagon”. He returned an hour or so later from Tractor Supply Company with not one but two assembly not included wagons, or to be precise Gorilla Heavy Duty Utility Cart with storage tray with 1,200 lb. load capacity, 13 in. pneumatic tires, 24 in. x 48 in. steel mesh deck, and folding steel mesh sides. It seems the item on sale was too small and at $40 more a piece John felt the larger carts were still a bargain compared to those he used to buy for the garden center.

He set to work putting the carts together until he got to the part that actually required tools. Anyone who knows us well realizes we are not tool friendly folk. Our good friend, John O. who meticulously cares for his tools would be horrified at the disarray in which we store ours. After about a half hour of searching the barn, basement and junk drawer, we came up with the proper tools and the carts were assembled. They have certainly eased the work of moving dozens of potted iris and peony plants for my 61 year old bones. Hey, I’m proud of my age! Every gray hair and wrinkle has been well-earned and worn with pride. I must say the wagons are great, maneuver easily, both on the driveway and in the field, and are quite sturdy. Might come in handy for some of you other country people who have to cart around gardening and animal supplies. I also look forward to giving future rides to our grandkids. They will love them.
So now John and I have matching red wagons which I don’t mind at all, unlike the matching yellow and blue rain jackets we were forced to buy in the Everglades a few years ago and I was mortified to wear, thinking couples who wear matching outfits look goofy (no offense to those of you who enjoy dressing that way!).