Yikes---how could so much time go by since my last post!!! Some of you must have thought we left the country or something. Won't make excuses, that never goes over well with the husband. Let's just say when we worked outside the last couple of months we worked hard and when we played outdoors, we played hard! Then I was either too fried or too lazy to try to put words together in any meaningful fashion. I wish I was as reliable a blogger as Immortality is a rebloomer, seen flowering in various parts of the farm as it does every year. I'll try to hit the keyboard in a more timely fashion.
I hope the summer brought as many great times with family and friends as it did for us and that you were as ready as I to boldly move forward and tackle all the garden chores left by the wayside over the summer months.
It's always a disappointment to return from vacation to the realization that weeds always grow much better than anything you deliberately plant. We also wonder why deer love our perennials but never touch a weed! How do they recognize the difference and how can we get them to see how tasty crab grass is compared to hosta! If anyone comes up with a great solution, let me know.
Much of our fall work is complete with iris divided, peonies potted, and beds cleaned up and fertilized. As one of our visitors said today, having as much of your garden cleanup done in the fall leaves springtime for planting. She then headed home to do her own yard cleanup before the great weather we've been having disappears. I'll be back on my knees finishing up the weeding and hopefully back at the keyboard in a much more timely fashion.
Happy Gardening!