As the new year begins, I'd like to look back on the year that has just passed, remember what changes we made, and what experiences we have to reflect upon.
Weather-wise we sometimes felt as though growing rice or cranberries would be a better occupation than growing iris, peonies and daylilies. Our rainfall totals here in central Jersey (no native ever says New Jersey) reached record amounts. We spent so much time slogging around in the mud, it felt as though we were working at our neighbors' pig farm instead of a perennial farm. The cooler temperatures that went along with much of the rain affected blooming times, with many plants coming into flower 2-3 weeks later than normal.
Things weren't too terrific in the vegetable garden either, and although the lettuce crop was good, production was down for our Jersey tomatoes and we certainly didn't put up as many jars of sauce this year.
Despite the weather, we accomplished a great deal in 2009 with the help of our family. We raised up and developed new iris beds, added a cold frame, put up a small greenhouse, and planted an additional display bed. We continued our work with the fantastic folks at Presby Memorial Iris Gardens and forged a new relationship with Friends of the Hunterdon County Library, another great organization. And just think, John and I did all this while we are supposedly retired. Can you imagine what we would be doing if we actually considered ourselves working folk?
Our thanks to all of you who have visited us online and here at the farm. We greatly appreciate having you in our lives and look forward to seeing and hearing from old and new garden lovers again in 2010.
Happy anticipation! Cheryl