I'm not about to compare myself to a genuine author, but over the past few months have experienced what professionals do and developed "writer's block". The thought of blogging at all sent me running into the perennial beds to escape the glare of a blank computer screen. I have realized that my lack of presence online may lead some to believe that Pittsgrove has gone by the wayside. Fret not, dear gardeners, John, Pittsgrove Farms, and I are alive and well. Actually, Pittsgrove is alive, but dormant at the moment, and frankly sometimes John and I get that way on a gloomy winter's day.
Plants asleep for the winter. |
It's that time of year when we've cut back our plants, put them in cold frames or under insulation blankets, and cleaned up the garden beds until spring arrives. There will be more clean up over the winter as weather permits as Hurricane Sandy set things back for us outdoors. Fortunately, other than losing a 40' spruce that did only very minor damage and having branches to cleanup, we fared quite well. Which brings me to my next topic-the Jersey Shore.
I'm a Jersey girl (old broad) born and raised and it was heart wrenching to see the devastation across our beautiful and much maligned state, especially the shore area. What concerns me now is how much we are hearing that Jersey is down for the count, which is far from the truth. I have gotten feedback from merchants in
Cape May (unscathed by Sandy) and elsewhere that business is down tremendously because people from out of the area believe the Jersey Shore is no longer a vacation destination. Much rebuilding needs to be done in some but not ALL areas.
Cape May at Sunset |
Please keep Pittsgrove Farms in mind when you're looking for iris or peonies in the spring and the Jersey Shore when considering a day trip, weekend get-away or family vacation. You won't be disappointed!
Keep warm and think Spring!