Spring has finally sprung and the glorious weather has kept us in full swing with cleaning up the iris and peony beds, potting, and planting, which brings me to my latest and newest gardening experience.
At this time of year, John and I get starter plants arriving on a regular basis, so I was eager to se

e what the FedEx guy had for us when he pulled up. That's when John informed me that while I was in Washington he had ordered some water lilies(are you starting to envision what's in store for me?). He had purchased
Texas Dawn, and several other varieties from
Maryland Aquatic Nurseries and said that Kelly whom he had spoken with was very nice and extremely knowledgeable. He also let me know that while I was gone, he took a vote, I won, and therefore had the "honor" of planting the water lilies in the big pond. He, on the other hand, would be left to plant the others in the small pond that we built last fall.
I don't know how much of an "honor" this was---I think it was his way of getting back at me for the broken coffee maker!!!
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