Thursday, April 23, 2009

Pleased to Meet You!

Something John and I missed most after "retiring" was the daily contact with customers, some of whom had been loyal to our business for over 20 years. Since we've been back growing perennials, that wonderful interaction with plant-loving folks has rebounded.

Display gardens at Schreiner's

The other day a gal who has joined the ranks of our new "loyal" customers brought in pictures of her visit to Schreiner's in Oregon. We had told her about this fabulous iris grower when she mentioned she would be vacationing in the Portland area. She was fortunate to attend around Memorial Day of last year when their display gardens were in full luxurious bloom. The three of us raved about what a fantastic experience a trip to Shreiner's can be as it was near Memorial Day that John and I had visited a few years ago.

Fields of Iris at Schreiner's

Last fall another of our customers popped over and asked if I had ever grown garlic and when I said I hadn't, handed me a clove from her garden with instructions on how to grow it. The plants seem to be thriving and I look forward to using them in my kitchen.

As a new season gets underway, we look forward to the opportunity to talk plants and share our gardening experiences. Plant people are some of the warmest and most generous people I have ever known. I think one has a different perspective on life and a greater appreciation for what Mother Nature has provided when you work a garden.

So feel free to bring your pictures to share, questions to ask, or just stop to wander our gardens. It's that glorious time of year again when the earth is coming to life, the birds are busily feathering their nests, and "the boss" and I are doing what we love best---"playing in the dirt"!

Happy gardening! Cheryl

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